Serving the Sarasota Lakewood ranch area for 10+ years

8134 Lakewood Ranch Main Street, 2nd floor | Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202 | (941) 241-7066

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Our Philosophy

Move well to live well

With a background in sports and human performance, Dr Christian Carson wants to make sure each patient is living up to their fullest potential. That can be competing professionally, as a weekend warrior, or as someone wanting to feel better than they have in years after prior injuries/surgeries. The foundation of reaching your goal is to move correctly.

We employ biomechanical analysis of movement in every patient to find the true origin of the symptom. For this I am certified through SFMA, TPI and racquet fit to look specifically at these issues. Correct movement leads directly to correct function and correct function leads to moving and living pain free while continuing your life/activities!

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Feel better, stay better

Every patient is unique and needs to be looked at on an individual basis. Dr Carson puts the same level of detail into treating professional athletes as he does into the average person who has back pain, plantar fascitis, tennis elbow, nerve pain or any other musculoskeletal condition. It all starts with understanding the true source of why the problem exists. Depending on your goals, we aim towards pain reduction, increased range of motion, or better performance of daily tasks, so you can get back to doing what you love, faster.


Cancellation notice: If you cannot make your appointment, please cancel more than 24 hours before your scheduled visit. If you cancel within 24 hrs of your appointment or if you simply do not show up, your appointment fee will not be refunded. Thank you!


Our Services

Common Ailments we treat


Plantar fascitis
Tennis elbow
Golfer's elbow
Calf/Leg Cramps
Neck Pain
Back Pain
Hip Pain
Frozen Shoulder

Rotator Cuff Injuries
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Knee Pain
Ankle Impingement
Wrist Pain

And most other musculoskeletal injuries including nerve entrapment

Schedule a consultation today to see if Proformance is the right treatment facility for you!

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What our patients are saying

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Founding Physician



Dr. Christian Carson